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Question №175
June 28, 2012
Baurzhan Akhylbekov | Shymkent city

- I have a land plot of 15 hundred square meters. Not so long ago people have come from the Land Committee and informed me that 5 hundred square meters of my land will be acquired for the construction of highway, and as compensation the government will pay me 127 thousand tenge. I applied to the Regional Agency for Technical Inventory with the question: how is evaluation made. However, they did not make evaluation for my land plot. I request you to give the answer for my following question – which agency, guided by which regulations or rules, makes evaluation of land plots?

Answer to question №175
March 25, 2013

In accordance with the Act of the RK “About State Property” Evaluation company determines market price of the land plot, real estate, located on that land plot, which has relevant license and under the Acts of the RK “About licensing” and “About evaluation activity” has been guided by the following:

1. Land Code of the RK;

2. Civil Code of the RK;

3. Evaluation Standards for “Evaluation Cost of Real-Estate”, approved by the Order of Acting Minister of Justice of the RK dated 09.12.2010. No. 326;

4. Evaluation Standards for “Evaluation Cost of Objects for Intellectual Property, Intangible Assets”, approved by the Order of Acting Minister of Justice of the RK dated 29.06.2011. No. 244;

5. Evaluation Standards for “Base and Types of Cost”, approved by the Order of Acting Minister of Justice of the RK dated 29.06.2011. No. 243;

6. “Requirements for format and Content of Evaluation Report”, approved by the Order of Acting Minister of Justice of the RK dated 09.12.2010. No. 327;

7. Evaluation Standards for “Evaluation of Land Plot or Other Real-Estate, acquired for Governmental Needs”, approved by the Order of Minister of Justice of the RK dated 28.06.2012 No. 240.

Meanwhile, in accordance with the Clause 1 Article 67 of the Act of the RK “About Governmental Property” the cost of the land plot, acquired for governmental needs (excluding losses), purchased by the owner from the government, has been determined in the amount, paid to the government, excluding cases, when the land plot has been provided for individual residential housing, for keeping of private farm (except for plots of arable land), where individual residential house has been located. That is in this case the determination of market price for the land plot has not been required. 

Agreement regarding the land plot acquisition should be signed by local executive agency (Akimat), unless otherwise provided for by international agreement, ratified by the Act of the RK.   




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