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Question №215
March 6, 2013
Ermek Rakhiev | Shymkent city

- How do you do to all of you, Dear Moderators of the website. Congratulations with Spring Holiday to all of you.
Will you tell me, please, how to orient oneself in your website and website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications? The fact is that at the nearest the bids will be open for Engineering Services for the road section ‘Almaty-Khorgos”. I would like to receive answers for the questions as follows: 

1) When, where and in what sections, subsections of this website and website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications will the results of the bidding be published?

2) What is known regarding road section “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast’? When will the results of the bidding be published for rendering of Engineering services and Contractor’s services?

3) Also, I would like to obtain information regarding road section “Shymkent – Tashkent”, although this road section does not relate to the Project ‘Western Europe – Western China”.

Answer to question №215
March 27, 2013

- Dear Ermek, edition staff of the website is also glad to welcome you at our website, as the most active visitor. As for 3 questions you asked we inform you as follows:

1) The results of the bidding are published on official website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK (Section “Committee for Roads”, inside it “Western Europe – Western China Project”). You can enter this website without exit from the website, i.e. using the banner of “The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK”, placed on its main page.      

2) For the road section “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast” with the length of 80 km the bidding procedures for selection of the Contractor for 2 Lots (40 km each) and Construction Supervision Consultant have been completed. The results have been submitted for approval to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter IBRD), which is financing the Project.

At present the Loan Agreement, signed between the Republic of Kazakhstan and IBRD for financing of this road section, is in the process of ratification. Planned validity for this Loan Agreement is May of the current year, after that the results regarding bidding, will be announced and Contracts will be signed for implementation of the Project to the end of 2015.

Information regarding the results of the bidding (winner) of the month of April will be published in the official website of the Ministry for Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan:, as well as the website (Procurements – Bidding Results - IBRD) or you can find it under the references:

3) Road section “Shymkent – Tashkent” with the length of 99 km has been planned to finance on account of Loans of Asian Bank for Development (36 km) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (62 km). At present the procedure is in progress for signing of Loan Agreements and their ratification.

At the same time in May of the current year the bidding procedures will be started for selection of the Contractors and Consultants. In the end of the current year all the procedures will be completed for ratification of Agreements and selection of the executives. Civil works will be completed by the end of 2015.




«The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the Western Europe – Western China International Road Corridor is very important. It is really the construction of the century»

«We set an objective to develop infrastructure. And it turned out to be within our power. We are currently reviving the New Silk Road. We have opened access to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Greater East. We have opened the Eastern gates, paving the way to the markets of China and the entire Asian continent», "Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy.
Address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, 2012.





«The executive authorities need a complete, high-quality Nurly Zhol Program. This is a strategic project which will affect the entire transport infrastructure».






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