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Question №236
June 10, 2013
Karlygash Saldarova | Almaty city

- How do you do! I would like to know how much the officials have been entitled, in the proper sense of the word, “take land” for construction of Western Europe – Western China Transit Corridor from us, i.e. ordinary farmers, who make living by farming, pay loans, feed children. The case in question is our land plots, which have been located on the territory of Karasai district of Almaty Oblast, evaluated as 400 tenge per one hundred square meters. As far as we know the land, acquired for state needs, should be purchased at the market price. But 400 tenge is far from market price. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer to question №236
June 24, 2013

- Dear Karlygash, for your question we explain you as follows. For sure you know that evaluation has been made within the Act of the RK “About evaluation activity”. All the data for the lands acquired for the state needs have been provided by the departments for statistics and management of agriculture where these lands are located. All the reports regarding them are under the control of procurator’s agencies, financial police. The evaluator, who carried out the evaluation of your land plot, is fully responsible for the performed work up to criminal responsibility. If you are not agree with the Evaluation Act you have legal right to apply to the court with the complaint.




«The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the Western Europe – Western China International Road Corridor is very important. It is really the construction of the century»

«We set an objective to develop infrastructure. And it turned out to be within our power. We are currently reviving the New Silk Road. We have opened access to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Greater East. We have opened the Eastern gates, paving the way to the markets of China and the entire Asian continent», "Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy.
Address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, 2012.





«The executive authorities need a complete, high-quality Nurly Zhol Program. This is a strategic project which will affect the entire transport infrastructure».






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