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Question №264
October 6, 2013
Marat Massimov | Astana city

06.10.2013. After passing through the toll road (Astana-Shchuchinsk) from Astana to Bozaigyr village and returning back, overall 60 km, I had to pay 620 tenge. Terminal staff referred to the new rates for light trucks of category "B" with capacity from 1 to 2 tons. Where do we get such rates? Why don’t we have any alternative road? In Germany, I was driving on the Autobahn of better quality than our concrete road and for some reason the passing through the Autobahn is free of charge. Moreover, there is always an alternative as two-lane roads of excellent quality.

Answer to question №264
October 7, 2013

Dear Marat, we would like to explain you that the website, you applied to, has been devoted only to the matters, which cover implementation of the Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor Project. As you are interested in the matters regarding the rate on Astana-Shchuchinsk road, you should apply to the “KazAutoZhol” JSC, its official website is




«The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the Western Europe – Western China International Road Corridor is very important. It is really the construction of the century»

«We set an objective to develop infrastructure. And it turned out to be within our power. We are currently reviving the New Silk Road. We have opened access to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Greater East. We have opened the Eastern gates, paving the way to the markets of China and the entire Asian continent», "Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy.
Address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, 2012.





«The executive authorities need a complete, high-quality Nurly Zhol Program. This is a strategic project which will affect the entire transport infrastructure».






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