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Question №279
December 5, 2013
Marat Kashakov | Kyzylorda city

Good day! Signs 5.22 and 5.23 - the beginning and end of the village (black font on white background) are installed in some settlements of Western Europe – Western China corridor, although the constructed road passes outside the village (for example, Ekpindi village of South Kazakhstan oblast). It would be logical to install signs 5.24 and 5.25 - the beginning and end of the village (white font on blue background), since the road does not pass through the village, and still the speed has to be reduced to 60 km/h.
The question is whether these signs will remain after the opening of road to traffic?
Thank you, Marat  

Answer to question №279
December 10, 2013

Dear Marat, road furniture, including the installation of road signs, barriers, during design stage are agreed by the competent authorities, i.e. Road Police. In case of mentioned signs by you in the Ekpindi village, they are installed according to the design, which obtained approval of State expertise and Road police. So the signs are permanent, i.e. they will remain after the opening of road to traffic.




«The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the Western Europe – Western China International Road Corridor is very important. It is really the construction of the century»

«We set an objective to develop infrastructure. And it turned out to be within our power. We are currently reviving the New Silk Road. We have opened access to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Greater East. We have opened the Eastern gates, paving the way to the markets of China and the entire Asian continent», "Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy.
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