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Question №282
December 13, 2013
Victor Belov | Kostanai

How do you do! I would like to ask a question about M36 highway connecting Almaty-Yekaterinburg (section Troitsk-Kostanai), when the capital repair works with the road widening will be held, there are curves and potholes on the road because of heavy machinery. This road is international and a lot of transport passes along this road, and it has only one lane, there is a queue of vehicles on the highway and it is impossible to overrun.

Answer to question №282
December 19, 2013

Dear Victor, since our website is devoted to the information support of the “Western Europe – Western China” International transit corridor, you have to address your question to the competent agency, in this case to the “KazAvtoZhol” JSC. To your convinience please refer to the website and add your question in the section Question-Answer. And you can also addres your question to the Exploitation Board of the Committee for Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan.




«The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the Western Europe – Western China International Road Corridor is very important. It is really the construction of the century»

«We set an objective to develop infrastructure. And it turned out to be within our power. We are currently reviving the New Silk Road. We have opened access to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Greater East. We have opened the Eastern gates, paving the way to the markets of China and the entire Asian continent», "Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy.
Address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, 2012.





«The executive authorities need a complete, high-quality Nurly Zhol Program. This is a strategic project which will affect the entire transport infrastructure».






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