On the 28th of August Mr. Berik Kamaliev, Minister of Transport and Communications, met with Mr. Om Ik Dong, President of the company «КСС Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd» (Korea), involved in the Project implementation “Western Europe – Western China”. Company is the Main Contractor for two road sections in Zhambyl Oblast.
Works for the first road section with the length of 40.4 km have been executed since November 2009. At present the works are executed here under the schedule.
337 units of road-building equipment have been mobilized, 1721 people, including 1652 people of the local staff, have been involved for this road section. Procurement of road-building materials is carried out by active pace.
There are insignificant backlogs for the second road section regarding procurement of materials and time schedule.
Mr. Om Ik Dong, having informed about the reasons for backlogs, has undertaken obligations to eliminate the backlogs of the schedule.
In his turn, Minister Berik Kamaliev mentioned that in case of non-fulfillment of those obligations, some measures will be taken, up to termination of the Contracts.