- Does Korean company “Posco”, as the Contractor, copes at present with execution of time schedule? Are there any ahead of schedule for any positions? In which positions are they behind the schedule, i.e. what is beyond his powers till date?
- There is a backlog in the schedule, but a small one, particularly in the procurement of building materials for construction of culverts. This matter is under the control. I am sure that to the end of the current month its execution will be under the schedule. At present the Contractor is definitely determined with where it is required to start construction of the culverts first, at what road section to carry out earthworks so that to use rationally manpower, equipment and other capacities.
Regarding the occurred problems, one of them was that soil while arrangement of the subgrade had been poor compacted because of low quantity of moisture. Such situation has been formed as the result of segment for 500-1000 m. At present, the decision has been made to take not more than 300 m., i.e. having closed this part to move on compaction of the next 300 m. Its negative part has been played by dry weather conditions, i.e. summer was nearly without precipitations. And there is no water at all in many trenches, and water should be delivered from a distant way.
- Does the construction company experience the deficiency of any equipment, which is required right now, or rather without which one cannot manage at present?
- Literally, tomorrow-after tomorrow one more asphalt paver should be supplied, which will be involved for arrangement of subbase. As the operator of grader, who is engaged with this work at present, does not have enough experience, and does not have high qualification for leading of subbase at ground level. In this connection, we have come to conclusion that it is reasonable to involve asphalt paver. Thus, as the result of it we save time and quality. Also asphalt pave is planned for arrangement of base, stabilized with cement.
Visiting that road section last month, Minister directed the Contractor by 15th of September to start arrangement of concrete pavement. As it was promised, we have started it. There is a small backlog for procurement of inert materials. I mean – crushed stone, sand. It is connected with that in due time some miscalculations have been made in the required area for their storage. At present the Contractor is busy with the solution of that problem, i.e. extension of that area. Then, I think, the process of procurement for building materials will be more intensive.
- Are there unfulfilled instructions of the Engineer’s Service, non-solved problems because of disagreement?
- Yes, at the initial stage of project implementation not all of our instructions were fulfilled by the Contractor. However, finish in this situation was the procedure of signing of the first certificate. The Contractor understood that it is unreasonable not to react to the instructions of the Construction Supervision Consultant, who has justification for that.
- What conditions have been established on the new implemented production facilities of the company “Posco”?
- Our own completely equipped laboratory is located at the km 2138. Part of its equipment has been brought from Korea, and part of it has been purchased by the Contractor in Russia. All available equipment has been certified. Matter with accommodation and office for Engineer’s Service is planned to settle by the end of the current month. Canteen is under construction. There were no complaints for catering. Working staff has the same meals, which have engineering manpower and administration.
- With what is technical base abundant? How many plants are operating, and what are they?
- One plant operates for production of concrete. Its capacity as per the document is 210 cubic meters per hour. At present it produces 160 cubic meters per hour. Mix for the base is manufactured.