Journalists, bloggers, public activists, specialists in the field of road construction and variety stars of Kazakhstan participate in this tour They will learn about all advantages of modern technologies for construction, visit construction objects, plants and laboratories, take part in tests of pavement for strength; they will also learn how the quality of construction material is being tested. During this event there will be also meeting with administration of the companies, Engineer’s Service, Designers and directly with the constructors, to whom they are able to ask their questions.
The route of information tour also includes visiting of historical monuments on the territory of South Kazakhstan in times of Great Silk Way. Progress of tour will be covered in Twitter (#ZEZK), daily on the air of TV channels “Kazakhstan” (Zhanylyktar, 20.30) and “First Channel “Eurasia” (News, 18.30), radio “Astana” and “Kazakh radio”, as well as on pages of film “Kazinform”.
This project has been organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK in association with RTRK “Kazakhstan” and Road Engineers Association of Kazakhstan – press-service of the department informs. Works for reconstruction of the main line “Western Europe – Western China” were started in 2009 initiated by the Head of the Government, Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is him who five centuries later proposed to revive the idea of “Great Silk Way” - trade arterial, linking West and East. As a result a number of memorandums have been signed with neighbouring countries, and agreement has been achieved regarding Project implementation commencement.
For Kazakhstan this Project is attractive as from the point of view for implementation of transit potential of the country, as well as establishment of safe transport link of southern and western regions of the Republic. It is important to mention that “Western Europe – Western China” is the fastest way for transportation of cargo from China to Europe. It takes 10 days to cover this distance along transit corridor, meanwhile it takes 15 days along the railroad and 45 days along seaway.
Reference: The length of Kazakhstan section of International transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” is 2 787 km, including 2 452 km, which are subject to reconstruction. Now the works are in progress on the territory of 4 regions: Aktobe, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl and South-Kazakhstan. Construction works cover 1 621 km for 34 sections. At present road section Karabutak – Irgiz – Border of Kyzylorda Oblast, with the length of 215 km has been already put into operation. In the current year it is planned to complete construction works for 700 km. Full completion for construction of Kazakhstan Section and putting into operation have been planned for 2015.