«KCC Engineering & Construction Co» LLP is the General Contractor of the section km 483 - km 536 "Taraz Bypass" with the length of 65.1 km. It should be noted that this is the last incomplete section in Zhambyl region under the "Western Europe - Western China" international transit corridor reconstruction project. Earlier 428.9 km of roads have been completed and put into operation in Zhambyl region.
As of the end of July 2015, main works like Earthworks, Sub base (H = 23 - 35 cm), base course (CSCSM H = 15-18 cm), Binding course (black crushed stone H-12 cm), wearing course (coarse-grained porous asphalt-concrete H-9 cm), top layer from asphalt-concrete pavement (CSMA H-6 cm), fine-grained asphalt concrete, repair of the existing bypass of Taraz city, road markings, including existing bypass have been completed for 100%.
Completion of the new Taraz city bypass under Contract is on 6 August 2015, however, taking into account additional quatities not covered by the Contract, the repair works under the existing bypass of Taraz city is planned to be completed by mid-November 2015.