“Eurasian Construction Consortium” LLP

Republic of Kazakhstan
100004, Karaganda city
Nurken Abdirov Ave., 30 B,
phone/fax (7212) 48-11-52
phone (7212) 48-11-54
e-mail: ECK2008@mail.ru
proposes its services in construction of highways. Company has experience in the sphere of construction of highways: mid-life repair, maintenance, for arrangement of roadbed in Kyzylorda Oblast within implementation of Project “Western Europe-Western China” for the period from August 8, 2011 till date.
It has technical base as follows:
- dumpers - 10 units
- dozers – 4 units
- graders – 4 units
- excavator – 3 units
- loader – 3 units
- vibroroller – 2 units
- binder distributor – 2 units
- water carrier - 2 units